Achiox Sangwin leaves all known universes in pursuit of V Corporation After destroying Ereya, Achiox Sangwin leaves all known universes in pursuit of V Corporation, claiming it's an act of penance.
Ereya annihilated by Achiox Sangwin nuclear ICBMs Achiox Sangwin launched a major nuclear strike on Ereya, effectively annihilating its surface and inhabitants.
Kivemalian terrorist attack of 2037 revealed to be a false flag operation An investigation led by the International Treaty of Ensuring World Integrity revealed the truth behind the Kivemalian terrorist attack of 2037.
Seth Royce, former Group C17 leader, dead from natural causes Seth Royce, former Group C17 leader and interdimensional terrorist, dies aged 80.
NWR to send peacekeepers for VTAC Dayton Marchand announced today that the New World Republic (NWR) will deploy peacekeepers to aid Verdure Transnational Association Company (VTAC) in combating Ereyan and Welloterran interdimensional terrorists Mikhail Kovac and Seth Royce.
ILEFO to send special forces to Second Earth ILEFO steps in to assist VTAC on Second Earth, deploying a special unit to hunt down Ereyan-Welloterran terrorists Mikhail Kovac and Seth Royce.
Seth Royce and Mikhail Kovac escaped to another universe; another Earth found Notorious fugitives Seth Royce and Mikhail Kovac have discovered what appears to be another Earth.