NWR to send peacekeepers for VTAC

Dayton Marchand announced today that the New World Republic (NWR) will deploy peacekeepers to aid Verdure Transnational Association Company (VTAC) in combating Ereyan and Welloterran interdimensional terrorists Mikhail Kovac and Seth Royce.

NWR to send peacekeepers for VTAC

Article by: Oscar Khan, DPN Second Earth Division Journalist

The New World Republic has once again extended its support to Verdure Transnational Association Company (VTAC), offering military assistance in combating two notorious interdimensional terrorists plaguing their operations. President Dayton Marchand revealed today that peacekeepers will be dispatched to reinforce VTAC's security efforts against Ereyan and Welloterran terrorists Mikhail Kovac and Seth Royce.

The announcement follows an online meeting between Marchand and VTAC CEO Vasco Cadwallader, who expressed gratitude towards NWR's intervention. "We welcome the continued support from President Marchand," said Cadwallader in a public press release.